For most things you can refer to these general instructions:
You can also refer to already-published pages and posts for a model.
A few extra notes for you:
Your main section index pages display descriptions (in italics) above the list of posts in that section. This content is editable on the PAGE for that section while the content for the posts is editable via the individual posts. When you are logged in, you can use the little “edit” link nearest the text you want to edit to go directly to the editable text.
With the NEWS posts:
The archive and single pages will display differently, depending on what content you add.
At minimum you should have some text in the big main content field and a featured image.
If you have any more information than this that you want to display, (eg multiple images for a carousel OR a longer text) you also need to write a short excerpt in the excerpt field and add the additional images to a “gallery” in the main content field.
The featured image displays on the index pages only. If you want it to display on the post’s single page as well, add it to the main content field.
If you have no excerpt, what you put in the main content field will display on the news index page without a “readMore” link (because there’s no point clicking through if that’s all there is). If you have one or more images in the main content field, this will look ugly, so it is best to enter both an excerpt plus text in the main content field if you do.
NB. If you have no excerpt and the main content displays on the index page without a “read more” link, that will look ok on the index pages but if someone starts navigating from single page to single page they will open the single pages for the posts that have just one line or so of text in the main content field. And that looks a bit strange. It’s a good idea, therefore, to always include and excerpt PLUS a little more content in the main content field than you put in the excerpt so that it makes sense to “read more”.
The PUBLICATIONS posts have a special field for abstracts. If you add an abstract, a “+” sign will display next to the publication listing, enabling users to open the abstract via an accordion.
Publications posts have a field for a URL. Here, you can add the link to the article on an external website (which may break in the future if the website moves or deletes your article) OR: you can upload a pdf of the article to your own website (in the media library) and copy the url from there and put that in the URL field.